
The service that keeps your business happy

If you were to ask what the most complicated aspect of administration is to any UK employer, we can be certain the unanimous answer would be payroll. It introduces a whole host of extra legislation and time‐consuming red tape to cut through for each employee. However, without payroll, a business employing even one member of staff, with the exception of workers such as contractors, freelancers or consultants, cannot legally function.

More than a number

When your payroll is administered by A & T, we understand that every employee and even the directors may all have different needs from each other. We're flexible to the needs of each and every one of your individual employees. We treat the people that power your business as people, not just numbers.

The bigger picture down to the finer details

All forms of your employees' incomes and expense reimbursements will be professionally calculated, along with any pre‐tax deductions taken care of accurately, including auto‐enrolled, employer contributed pensions if you also subscribe to our Auto‐Enrolment service. Whether your staff are paid monthly, weekly, four‐weekly, bi‐weekly or even on commission only earnings, you can rest assured thatA & T is happy and confidently able to provide the payroll service tailored to your business requirements. For subscribers of our Auto‐Enrolment service, Pay As You Earn (PAYE), as well as National Insurance Contribution (NIC) payments, are deducted and submitted to HM Revenue & Customs and The State Pension Service respectively, plus any other form of post‐tax deductions, including student loan repayments, are treated accordingly

At the end of every tax year, each employee will receive our accurately calculated P60 to report their annual earnings, income tax and national insurance contributions along with any other deductions during that period. A P45 will also be generated at the end of an employment period upon request.

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